What makes someone a fit parent in a Judge’s eyes?

In Massachusetts, determining if a parent is fit to care for their child is a complex and important process. A judge must consider a range of factors when making this determination, with the ultimate goal of making a decision that […]

Lets Talk about Evidence in a Divorce Case

If you are going through a divorce, you may be required to present evidence in court to support your case. In today’s digital age, much of this evidence may be in the form of electronic data, such as emails, text […]

Let us help you prepare for an upcoming Divorce

Once you’ve made the decision to end your marriage, doing it the right way is vital to helping you get through a tough process. Don’t do it alone. We’re here to help. If you are considering or preparing for a […]

David v. Goliath

I recently read a fantastic article penned by a wonderful sportswriter from Boston. The article contained a quote that I thought should be read by clients everywhere as they attempt to choose from the overwhelming amount of options available to […]

UMass Alumni Profile

I was recently featured on the UMASS Pre-Law Blog, maintained by the affable Diane Curtis, on their Alumni Profile series. The profile asks some great questions about what it’s like to be a lawyer and how I got to where […]

Some Great Life Advice

Here’s a great list I read one day that I find truly helpful. Look it over and see if you agree (i hope you do):   Don’t try to read other people’s minds.  Don’t make other people try to read […]

Who wants some tort reform?

I was writing up the negligence explanation section of my website while watching television and a typical commercial for a personal injury lawyer appeared. I don’t know about other attorneys, but these commercials really bother me. I understand the need […]


A lot of people wonder why would I ever need a lawyer? Most people assume that lawyers are mainly for companies that sue each other, people getting divorced or maybe even someone who was injured because of the actions of […]